Beautiful fine art gifts and cards

Fine Art Bags

Ed Kluz Bag

Fine Art Tea Towels

Anita Klein Tea Towel

Greetings Cards

Kate Lowe Greetings Card

Microfiber Cloth

Anita Klein Microfiber Lens Cloth

Linen and Aprons

Linen Aprons

Mongolian Appeal

Kate Lowe Christmas Cards

Enjoy Art Every Day

We believe art should be enjoyed everywhere: at home, out and about, even on the beach. We work with British artists to bring art to life on a range of quality housewears and and gifts. Enjoy your favourite art all day, every day. 

Anita Klein Limited Edition Silk Scarves

 "Inspired by early 20th Century Modernists, like Picasso, Matisse and Miro, I have always enjoyed playing with other media apart from painting. Printed fabric features often in my paintings - I like the way pattern defines the shape of a body. This is my first experiment with making one of my paintings into fabric and I am delighted with the result".

Anita Klein

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Bespoke products

Looking for something new and exciting for your shop or organisation? We work with Britains leading artists to create bespoke products. Projects include :-

St Pauls Cathedral

Southwark Cathedral

Holy Trinity Sloane Square

David Parr House

If you already have an artwork ready to be used we can advise you of the best approach to take.